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iPad mini now being mass produced - report

Wall Street Journal states that Apple has started manufacturing its new tablet

Apple's newest worst kept secret, the iPad mini, is beginning to take shape...literally. A Wall Street Journal report indicates that mass production on the smaller tablet has already begun.

The iPad mini has yet to be officially acknowledged by Apple, but it's been widely reported that the tablet will come with a 7.85 inch screen (at a slightly lower resolution), making it easier to hold in one hand, and more importantly, cheaper for the mass consumer so that Apple can remain competitive with the attractive tablets from Google and Amazon. The entry-level Kindle Fire retails for just $159, whereas the current iPad costs $499.

While iPad held around 60 percent of the global tablet market last year, the influx of new, sleek and affordable offerings in the space is undoubtedly exerting pressure on Apple. IHS iSuppli forecasts that global tablet sales will jump 85 percent this year to 126.6 million units.

With the iPad mini rumored to be unveiled later this month, the tablet wars during this holiday season should be very interesting.

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James Brightman: James Brightman has been covering the games industry since 2003 and has been an avid gamer since the days of Atari and Intellivision. He was previously EIC and co-founder of IndustryGamers and spent several years leading GameDaily Biz at AOL prior to that.
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