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Investment in single developers not optimal, says Trion CEO

Despite the interest in server-based games, most equity can only invest in one developer, which is not optimal says Trion World Network CEO Lars Buttler

Despite the interest in server-based games, most equity can only invest in one developer, which is not optimal says Trion World Network CEO Lars Buttler.

"Everybody today talks about server-based games and connected entertainment as the next giant frontier and the next big thing that is coming. And because that is the case, there is tremendous investment interest," Buttler told

"But mostly, they can only invest in one of the developers. Little studios and teams that work maybe on one title. That is not optimal from an investment perspective. Not at all.

"What you need to invest in is a portfolio, really a publisher that develops titles, that publishes titles, that co-develops titles. So, you need to have somebody that has groundbreaking technology platforms and tools," he said.

Trion World Network, which was founded in early 2006, is already starting to put the pieces together.

Earlier this year, the company announced a technology partnership with HP, and it recently completed a USD 30 million round of funding led by Time Warner, NBC/Universal, and Bertelsmann.

"Even if you have a portfolio of titles that you build, even if you have all the tools and the platform, you also have to be able to reach your consumers. So you also have to have a publishing organisation, or what we call a network, a publishing network. That's another thing we have built," Buttler said.

"And then, finally, you need amazing talent. Because, as you know, in the game space that makes all the difference.

"So, you need people that are extremely proven in design, art, even management of larger teams, and with our San Diego studio in place now, if you look at the Trion team across the board, it is literally now the 'who's who' of AAA game development."

Although Trion has yet to announce a product, Buttler is proud of the organisation it has built so far with its technology platform, publishing network, and a trio of development studios... "something no start-up has ever been able to pull off."

The complete interview with Dr. Lars Buttler can be read here.

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