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InnoGames snaps up Bigpoint analyst

Michael Lenz joins Forge Of Empires dev

InnoGames has appointed 28 year old Michael Lenz as its new head of analytics with immediate effect.

"The industry for online games offers great possibilities for detailed analyses, which help to offer the player the best possible gaming experience," he said.

"Because of its clear focus, sustained economic growth and last but not least due to its positive working environment, InnoGames is one of the best positioned international companies in this field. I am excited to be part of the InnoGames team and to contribute further to the future success of the company by shaping the analytics department."

Lenz's previous analytical post was with online gaming company Bigpoint. At InnoGames he'll lead the analytics team and develop new tools for the company.

It's a time of growth for InnoGames, last month it hired a new head of QA Rainar Ütt, and the company plans to add 70 new members of staff to its team by the end of 2013. Last month it also opened a new office in Sao Paulo, Brazil, headed up by Marcus Imaizumi.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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