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Indie cooperative launches in Quebec

La Guilde Des Développeurs De Jeux Vidéo Indépendants Du Québec is home to 75 studios

Today marks the official launch of La Guilde Des Développeurs De Jeux Vidéo Indépendants Du Québec, which calls itself the largest independent video games cooperative in the world.

"Based on a democratic structure and built on a model of non-profit production cooperatives, La Guilde has equipped itself to respond in a durable way to the real needs of the independent developers of our province," it states on its website.

It's made up of 75 indie studios, representing "$18 million in salaries." It has partnered with a number of organisations inlcuding Quartier des spectacles, PME MTL, Emploi-Québec, LJT Lawyers, Deloitte, Audiokinetic, Montreal Comiccon, GamePlay Space, Effects MTL 2016, and the NAD Center.

"In the past 5 years, the number of independent video game studios in Quebec has quadrupled", said president Louis-Félix Cauchon.

"The main goal of La Guilde is to give to Quebec's independent studios a strong and united voice, and ultimately support them in the creation of collective wealth".

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Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
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