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IGDA demands full credit for developers

Chairperson chastises Mythic for recent crediting practices, saying the industry needs better standards

Jen MacLean, chairperson of the IGDA, has damned as "disrespectful" Mythic's decision to only credit current employees for work on its MMO Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, in the group's monthly newsletter.

Earlier this month, Mythic revealed that it was unable to credit the full development team who worked on the game, saying that only those who worked for the developer as the MMO was completed would be credited.

"This policy is disrespectful of the effort of the game developers who worked on the game, and misleads both consumers and game industry peers," commented MacLean. "Unfortunately, Mythic's stance is not unusual; according to a survey conducted by the IGDA Writers Special Interest Group, 35 per cent of respondents 'don't ever' or 'only sometimes' receive official credit for their work."

MacLean went on to say that rigorous standards are needed for crediting work, explaining that the current system damages each developer's "opportunity for development".

"By refusing to acknowledge their contributions, studio management limits the professional recognition and opportunity for development that every contributor deserves."

She added, "Join me in calling for the industry-wide adoption of crediting policies that recognise the efforts and accomplishments of all people who contributed to a game."

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