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Humble Indie Bundle passes the $1m mark

Games compilation sequel that shares proceeds with charities continues to be popular

The Humble Indie Bundle, released a couple of weeks ago, has now notched up over 180,000 purchases, and with users allowed to pay what they want, has generated over $1.3 million in revenue.

The current average price across all platforms is $7.32, although one buyer has paid as much as $3000 for the pack of games that will be sharing proceeds with two charities - the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child's Play Charity.

It's the second time that a Humble Indie Bundle has been released, and anybody paying over the current average price for the second pack will also receive the original one.

The 'most generous' platform is currently Linux, with users there on average paying $13.49, followed by Mac on $8.55 and Windows with $6.15.

Games included in the bundle are Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos and Revenge of the Titans, and with some of those still under development, gamers will be entitled to free upgrades in the future.

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