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Greek Sony BMG website hit by hackers

Real names and email addresses from music site posted online

Sony BMG's Greek website has been attacked and data posted online by hackers, as the company suffers yet another online security breach.

Yesterday news emerged of a hacker attack on Sony's website in Thailand, as well as a separate breach at the company's So-Net Internet service provider in Japan.

The newest attack concerns the Sony BMG website in Greece, with security blog Naked Security reporting that a user database has been uploaded to, with the names and email addresses of users of

Security advisor Chester Wisniewski suggests the method of attack used did not require a particularly skilled hacker. He also reiterates that it is impossible to guarantee the safety of any website and that ironically Sony may end up being one of the most secure companies on the Web, once new procedures are put in place.

Greek users are advised to reset their passwords, although there is no evidence so far that any additional information has been compromised.

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