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Google opening London technology centre

Multi-million development to support Silicon Roundabout

Google is to open a multi-million pound, shared space technology centre in London to support Old Street's 'Silicon Roundabout' area, which hosts many technology and gaming companies.

The new centre, due to open in an existing building on Bonhill Street in 2012, will provide shared office space to local start-ups, offering training to workforces in the area. Google itself will have a presence onsite, The Guardian reports.

The area saw an injection of £400 million in government funding to incubate a technological development area hoped to rival California's Silicon Valley - an investment backed by Google itself, as well as other companies.

"We announced our involvement in the Tech City project last year," said David Singleton, Google's UK engineeering director. "We've been working hard to make this vision a reality."

"Finding a suitable building is the first major step, and we hope to announce more details about the organisations we'll work with and how they will use the space in the coming months. East London is already home to hundreds of innovative British startups and has huge potential for economic growth and new jobs over the coming years."

Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne also commented on the news, saying that the move indicated Britain's forward thinking approach to technology.

"It shows that we can create the right environment to attract startups and established high-technology businesses," said Osborne. "Supporting our programme to create new jobs, diversify the economy and create long-term economic growth. This shows that Britain is open for high-tech business."

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