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Google enters cable/Internet provider war

Google Fiber puts cable companies on notice... and could change cloud gaming forever

Google has announced that it has built a $500 million fiber optic network in Kansas City. Called the Google Fiber project, the design is to give the citizens of Kansas City Internet that is 100 times faster than what is used elsewhere in the US, and indeed the world, for $120 a month with no data caps.

Part of this offering will be a television service. Users will have access to hundreds of channels and a Nexus 7 Android tablet will come free with the package for use as a remote and extra screen.

The service kicks off in Kansas City, but it's going to be incumbent upon neighborhoods to petition for Google Fiber to come to their area. Assuming there's enough interest to remain profitable, Google will build the network in.

The service could have major repercussion in the cloud gaming sphere, as an Internet 100 times faster than what is currently offered would make it far more easy to offer high quality game streams. We've contacted OnLive, who has a working relationship with Google TV, to get their thoughts on this announcement.

Needless to say, this announcement also sends a warning shot to other major entertainment players like Apple and Microsoft, who are both attempting to control the living room as well.

Find out more about Google Fiber on the official site.

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David Radd: David Radd has worked as a gaming journalist since 2004 at sites such as GamerFeed, Gigex and GameDaily Biz. He was previously senior editor at IndustryGamers.
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