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Garry's mod hits 312,541 sales

Game's creator expresses shock and gratitude at two year sales record

Garry's Mod, the sandbox application based on Valve's Source engine, has seen sales top 312,541 since its debut on Steam two years ago.

The game's creator, Garry Newman, commented on his surprise that the USD 10 title proved to be such a hit and added that it has since afforded him the opportunity to learn more about games development and programming.

"The day it went on Steam was a nervous day for me. How well would it sell, would it be buggy as hell, would Valve regret giving me this chance?" he wrote on his blog.

"The popularity took me and Valve by surprise. As soon as it went on sale the steam servers were temporary knocked out, due to the demand. On the first day it sold 5,729 copies. Wowzer."

"I kind of expected that it would sell a big number of copies for the first day, then sell very few after that," he added. "I was kind of wrong, because over the next 2 years it went on to sell 312,541 copies. Which has totally knocked my socks off."

"GMod hasn't just given me financial stability, It's also made me a lot more experienced in c++. I learned how game engines are meant to work."

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