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Gamr7 to close, liquidation of all assets to begin

Middleware city-building Urban PAD creator Gamr7 closes down due to looming debt

Gamr7, based out of France, has been forced to close down, despite over 1200 licenses sold. The small company known for its procedural city building toolset Urban PAD saw much success in 2010 through 2012, but has become yet another victim of the debt crisis currently gripping much of Europe.

Originally focusing on triple-A middleware development, the company switched over to Unity and indie development oriented companies, as well as the simulation games market. That switch, however, was too much a burden to bear as contracts started to delay or were cancelled. Gamr7 is now being forced into liquidation.

While the company is in administration, Gamr7 will still be managing all licenses currently being used. The team behind the system remains confident that a new buyer for the tech could result in ongoing development.

"The team and I want to thank personally all who believed in us and our products," says co-founder Lionel Barret. "More specifically, I would like to thank the community of Urban PAD users. I appreciated your trust and am really sad to see the story ends this way."

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Ben Strauss: Ben Strauss is a recent graduate of Xavier University. You can see him ramble on about gaming, gamification, military-related gaming and manly things on his Twitter @Sinner101GR.
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