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GameStop says Kinect and Move both selling well

US retail giant aware of "tremendous demand" for PS3 motion peripheral

US-based specialist retailer GameStop has said that Kinect continues to perform well, but demand for PlayStation Move has also seen the business struggle to keep the PS3 motion control peripheral in stock.

Speaking in an investor call yesterday, GameStop president Tony Bartel said that both motion controllers have been strong retail drivers for his business, reports Industry Gamers.

"So we have strong demand, good stock, and we continue to see strong sell of the unit," said Bartel of Kinect.

"Attach rate is where we anticipated it would be. We also just got back from a meeting with all the publishers... and most are developing games for the Kinect platform. We're happy to see that there's strong support for the Kinect platform.

"We have struggled to stay in stock on the Sony Move controllers; there's a tremendous amount of demand for that. Provided we can get more into stock, we should see some strong growth there as well."

Sony has not been forthcoming about precise sales of the product, though recently released figures indicate that Xbox 360 consoles bundled with competing motion technology, Kinect, outsold Move by as much as five-to-one in the US over February.

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