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NPD: Kinect bundles outsold Move by 5:1 in February

403K PS3s sold, but only one fifth include motion controller

Hardware bundles of Xbox 360s containing Kinect outsold PS3s bundled with Move by five-to-one in the US in February, the latest NPD figures suggest.

Sony's console sold 403,000 units, putting it behind the 360's 535,000 and the Wii's 454,000.

Only one fifth of US PS3 sales included a bundled Move controller, whilst more than two thirds of Xboxes sold in the territory last month were part of a Kinect bundle, says analysis from Wedbush Morgan. No data on standalone peripherals was available.

Despite the third placing, Sony's hardware figures were still up 12 per cent year-on-year. Wii sales showed an increase of 14 per cent, whilst Xbox 360 unit sales shot up by 27 per cent.

Also included in the analysis were individual publisher software sales, showing yearly quarter-to-date downturns for all publishers other than Majesco, which exhibited a 287 per cent increase over 2010 thanks to strong sales of Zumba Fitness.

Actvision dropped a single percentage, EA 26%, Nintendo 37%, Take-Two 34% and THQ 31% per cent.

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