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GameON: Finance 2009

Early bird registration now open for October's do in Toronto.

For Immediate Release

July 20, 2009 (Toronto) – Interactive Ontario (IO) today announced that Early Bird registration is open for GameON: Finance 2009, taking place October 27 & 28 in Toronto. This is the third edition of the two-day investment forum, designed to bring investors and video game developers together to explore business opportunities in the rapidly expanding games industry.

Event attendees will receive access to case studies, business discussions, examples of successful corporate models, project financing ideas and one-on-one meetings between developers and financers. Tickets can be purchased at <> .

IO is pleased to announce the GameON: Finance 2009 Advisory Board:

• Jason Della Rocca (Chair), Senior Consultant for Perimeter Partners <> and former Executive Director of the International Game Developers Association <>

• Steve Bocska, President, Pug Pharm Productions <>

• Trevor Fencott, Managing Partner & CEO Bedlam Games <>

• Jussi Laakkonen, CEO & Founder, Everyplay <>

• Wanda Meloni, Founder and President, M2 Research <>

• Robert Shoniker, Principal, Courage Capital <>

• Dean Takahashi, Writer, Venture Beat <>

Who attends GameON: Finance?

• Game Developers

• Private Investors

• Policy Makers and Public Funders

• Financial Services, Retail Banks

• Publishers and Distributors

• Government and Industry Stakeholders

• Tax credit experts, law firms with media practices

About GameON: Finance (

GameON: Finance is an investment forum for the interactive games industry that connects game developers, innovators, investors and industry leaders. Over the course of two days in downtown Toronto, presentations, case-studies and panel sessions will provide insight on the diverse prospects for growth within the dynamic economic, creative and technological landscape of games.

About Interactive Ontario (

Interactive Ontario (IO) is a not-for-profit industry trade organization committed to the growth of the Ontario interactive digital content industry. Representing over 200 member-companies IO is an industry advocate within Ontario and nationally as a founding member of the Canadian Interactive Alliance /Alliance interactive canadienne (CIAIC).


For more information:

Danielle Engels

Director of Communications

Interactive Ontario (io)

99 Atlantic Ave., Suite 411

Toronto, ON M6K 3J8

T: 416.516.0077 x224

F: 416.840.0512



io: Ontario's Voice for Interactive Media

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