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Funcom: We'll win back Age of Conan users through word of mouth

Game director, Craig Morrison, says responding to community requests is vital to winning subscribers back

Funcom's Craig Morrison has said that the company can attract former users of its MMO, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, by providing a better service to existing subscribers and relying on a "knock-on effect".

In an interview with Eurogamer, Morrison described the company's focus on delivering promised content and responding to the game's community as vital to winning subscribers back.

"It's mainly about demonstrating to the existing players that we have listened," explained Morrison, "and that we are working on things - that they're starting to see the changes."

"In the MMO space, word of mouth is incredibly important. If we can show that the players who are playing the game are having a good experience, that the game has improved and that they can see that - that they're talking to us, and we're engaging with them... That has a positive knock-on effect."

"When people first mention the game, they don't necessarily hear a negative voice - they start to hear people going 'actually, you know, the guys have fixed all of that - the game's better now, you might enjoy it now'," Morrison added.

Last month, Morrison replaced Funcom's co-founder, Gaute Godager, as the MMO's game director. Godager resigned saying he was "dissatisfied" with parts of the game.

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