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Frima Studio first to receive Quebec's Work-Family Balance Certification

Quebec City recognizes Frima for not destroying families in its pursuit of fun games

Frima Studio has become the first company to obtain the Quebec Ministry of Family's Work-Family Balance Certification, only a year after the standards were established. With 350 full-time employees, Frima remains committed to initiatives that improve the work-family balance within the company. These perks include flexible hours, free access to public transit, a week of paid leave between Christmas and New Year's Day, and bonus leave.

"The well being of our employees and their families is a core value at Frima, hence our investment in a robust work-family balance program. Today's recognition is a reflection of our ongoing efforts to promote a healthy balance between work and family life. This certification further demonstrates that we are an employer ready to attract top talent both in Quebec and internationally," said Steve Couture, CEO of Frima.

"Hats off to Frima for putting work-family balance at the center of its priorities. We are pleased to see Quebec companies investing the time and effort to maintain a balance between the requirements and responsibilities of work and family life. We hope that Frima's example will inspire other companies to strive for this innovative certification developed by the BNQ," said Yolande James, Quebec's Minister of Family.

"The BNQ is pleased to award its first certification in work-family balance to Frima. With this unique certification Frima becomes the first company to be recognized for exceptional management practices in human resources. Businesses stand to gain by developing a strategy for maintaining a work-family balance and adherence to the standard allows the employer to structure its efforts. Our certification validates that an employer is responding adequately to the new realities of its employees and is ready to attract new talent," said Jean Rousseau, director of the BNQ.

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Mike Williams avatar
Mike Williams: M.H. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES first graced American shores. Third-person action-adventure games are his personal poison: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassin's Creed just to name a few. If you see him around a convention, he's not hard to spot: Black guy, glasses, and a tie.
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