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Focus On: Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu

As one of the foremost music composers working in the games industry, Nobuo Uematsu has achieved success far beyond many of his peers - which extends far beyond the work on the Final Fantasy series which made him famous.

17 years ago, Uematsu wrote the score for a NES role-playing game being developed by Japanese publisher Squaresoft. Final Fantasy went on to become one of the industry's biggest selling franchises - and Uematsu became one of its first musical stars.

Since then, he's enjoyed success far beyond the limits of the Final Fantasy series with its iconic theme tunes and battle music. He's conducted a series of orchestral concerts of music from the series, with the next one set to take place near the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco next month, written a song for Hong Kong star Faye Wong (Eyes On Me, as used in Final Fantasy VIII) which went on to become the first videogame track ever to win "Song of the Year" at the Japan Gold Disc Awards, and even started his own band, the Black Mages, which recently released its second album of rock remixes of FF battle themes.

Uematsu recently left Square Enix to purse a freelance career, but will continue to work for the company - contributing tracks to both Final Fantasy XII and writing the score for the upcoming Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children movie, while continuing to pursue his own projects outside the firm. We caught up with him in London to find out his thoughts on what the future holds for both game music, and for one of its best-known creators.

In the 17 years since you wrote the music for Final Fantasy I, what do you think the biggest change to music in videogames has been?

Uematsu: Once we got into the PlayStation era, we could use sounds that we recorded in the studio. That's definitely been the biggest change, I think.

Do you think videogame music is now more important than before?

Uematsu: I think that the role we play has stayed the same.

How closely are you involved with every Final Fantasy game? Do you work with the design team from the very start, or do you become involved later on in the process?

Uematsu: Once the story, the game scenario, is finished - that's where I start getting involved.

When you worked on Final Fantasy XI, did you find it a different challenge because it was a massively multiplayer game, so people would be experiencing the music differently?

Uematsu: As you know, up to Final Fantasy XI, the story was on a linear timescale - so it was easier to set music to it. But for XI, we lost the control over that - so yes, I'd say it was kind of difficult.

On Final Fantasy X for the first time, you worked with a number of other musicians to compose the soundtrack - why did that happen, and did you enjoy the experience of working with others on the composition?

Uematsu: The reason that it happened is because we were so busy, working on so many things at the same time - but yes, I enjoyed it very much.

Talking about the Black Mages for a moment; how did the idea for the band come about?

Uematsu: It started with the guitarist and the keyboard player - they just made a demo tape for the band, and that's how we got started. They just played around with the battle scene music to make a rock arrangement, and sent it to me, saying "Listen to this, it's so funny!" I really liked it, and we decided to make a CD, to make an album.

Are there any plans to release the Black Mages albums outside Japan, or perhaps even to perform concerts outside Japan?

Uematsu: I'm currently expecting someone to help us to release in the UK.

You've also performed full orchestral concerts of Final Fantasy music, including one in Los Angeles earlier this year - are there any future plans for more of these, perhaps even outside Japan?

Uematsu: The same concert - the same programme that we used in Los Angeles - we're going to tour around some cities in America, as we've announced. As for Europe... We're sort of thinking about doing a tour next summer, but that's not for sure yet.

Can you tell us a little bit about your plans now that you've left Square Enix?

Uematsu: As a freelancer, I'm definitely going to continue to work with Square Enix, as well as doing other things. For example, this year I have a classical concert with an orchestra, and also the Black Mages live gigs and CD releases.

What do you think of the new handheld consoles - the PSP and Nintendo DS? Do you think that they will change the way that music is used in handheld games?

Uematsu: I guess that people might be playing in the city, which means that they're going to have to keep the sound muted. If they end up switching off the sound... Then I'd say that's really sad!

Are there any other game series that you enjoy the music of, or game composers whose work you particularly like?

Uematsu: Every time I'm asked this question, I keep saying this, but... Super Mario. That's the best. Absolutely my favourite.

What would you say is your favourite of the Final Fantasy games you've worked on?

Uematsu: [Without any hesitation.] Final Fantasy IX - both in terms of the game itself, and the music.

Finally, of all the Final Fantasy soundtracks, do you have a personal favourite track?

Uematsu: The final battle in Final Fantasy VII - Sephiroth's song. That's my favourite.

Nobuo Uematsu is the lead composer of the Final Fantasy game series, and recently left Square Enix to form his own music studio, Smile Please. Interview by Tom Bramwell and Rob Fahey.

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Rob Fahey: Rob Fahey is a former editor of who spent several years living in Japan and probably still has a mint condition Dreamcast Samba de Amigo set.