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Facebook credits now available outside social networking site

New testing programme starts with partnership

Facebook has made the next step in expanding its reach, starting a new testing programme that allows Facebook credits, the site's currency, to be used on other websites.

"We have begun working with a few developers to test the ability to offer Facebook Credits on websites, with the goal of helping them offer a more unified app experience to users beyond apps on Facebook," said the site's developer blog.

Facebook takes 30 per cent of credit purchases, so expanding the use of credits can only expand its revenue from the service.

The first site to take part is online gaming portal

"Today, Facebook announced a creative partnership with us to test Facebook Credits on," read the casual gaming company's website.

"Which means Collapse! Blast and UNO Boost players can now switch back and forth between Facebook and with continuity in scores and data."

Facebook users can log into the site with their social networking details, and then will then be offered the option of using Facebook credits instead of more traditional methods of payment like Paypal.

Earlier this month Facebook revealed extended iOS support that allowed users to buy Facebook credits.

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Rachel Weber: Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
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