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Facebook CEO estimated to be worth more than Steve Jobs

Mark Zuckerberg leaps ahead of Apple boss on Forbes rich-list

Facebook CEO and co-owner Mark Zuckerberg is now worth an estimated $6.9 billion, according to the Forbes 400 table of the wealthiest Americans.

This puts him at number 35 in Forbes' chart - seven places above mercurial Apple boss Steve Jobs, who takes the number 42 spot with an estimated pot of $6.1 billion.

Zuckerberg's ballpark wealth is $2 billion up on last year, if Forbes' figures are correct, and comes almost solely from his 25 per cent stake in Facebook.

By contrast, $4.4 billion of Jobs' lot is calculated to come from his majority share in Disney.

26-year-old Zuckerberg is also the subject of a forthcoming Hollywood movie, The Social Network.

Microsoft's Bill Gates tops Forbes' list, with an estimated $54 billion. Google owners Larry Page and Sergey Brin share eleventh place, at $15 billion each.

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Alec Meer: A 10-year veteran of scribbling about video games, Alec primarily writes for Rock, Paper, Shotgun, but given any opportunity he will escape his keyboard and mouse ghetto to write about any and all formats.
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