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Epic eager to get Unreal onto new Microsoft Surface

Epic's Mark Rein is looking to bring Unreal Engine to the Surface tablet and hopes for major interface with Xbox

Popping up on Twitter shortly after the 'secret' press conference held by Microsoft on Monday, Epic's Mark Rein showed his enthusiasm for the new Surface tablet, adding that he cannot wait to get Unreal Engine on the platform. The new tablet, which will run Windows 8, could very well do much to boost the Xbox brand, something that Rein is counting on.

"Microsoft NAILS IT!" says Rein on his Twitter account. "Way to go Microsoft! Surface looks AWESOME! Can't wait to get some Unreal Engine games on those babies!"

Microsoft has previously mentioned the launch of Windows 8 and how gaming is going to play into the Xbox and Windows brands. Earlier discussions with Microsoft indicated that well over 30 titles will be out at launch for the new OS, but none were specifically pegged as Unreal-powered games.

Besides hoping to get the engine on the new devices, Rein hopes that some interconnectivity becomes more apparent. Already hinted at with SmartGlass, Microsoft has indeed indicated their desire to move the Xbox brand to multiple devices. Rein even added his desire to see the Xbox controller work for Surface.

"I suppose, being a proper Windows 8 device, that Surface will fully support the Xbox game controller. If so: bravo!"

"Future looks even better for gamers on all sorts of awesome platforms and I'm super happy that we'll power all sorts of great experiences... On all sorts of exciting next-gen devices from all the great hardware companies!"

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Ben Strauss: Ben Strauss is a recent graduate of Xavier University. You can see him ramble on about gaming, gamification, military-related gaming and manly things on his Twitter @Sinner101GR.
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