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EALA vets form Supergiant Games

New Bay Area indie studio to make games for digital download platforms

Three veterans from Electronic Arts' Los Angeles studio have announced the formation of their own San Francisco Bay Area developer: Supergiant Games.

The new studio has not revealed any details of its initial products, except to say that it is "working on a game for digital download platforms that we hope to released in 2011".

The three founder members are design and direction head Amir Rao, engineering and design expert Gavin Simon and sound and music designer Darren Korb. The studio will also be making substantial use of freelancers and is currently advertising for 2D artists.

The three were previously part of EA's Command & Conquer team, which was hit by significant redundancies in November of last year. However, the Supergiant Games founders claim to have "quit our jobs in 2009 to move into a house together and make games".

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