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Dan Pinchbeck wins Writer's Guild award

Chinese Room co-founder picks up prize for Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

The Chinese Room's Dan Pinchbeck, who co-founded the studio with composer Jessica Curry, has received the Writers' Guild award for best video game writing in 2015.

Pinchbeck was honoured for last year's PS4 release Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, which saw both critical and commercial acclaim for it's uneasy depiction of a bucolic English armageddon. With no combat and a deliberately gradual pace, Rapture defies many people's expectations of what a video game can be by providing a thoughtful narrative journey into an abandoned world.

Runners up in the category were Failbetter's Sunless Sea and video-based crime investigation Her Story, by Sam Barlow. The ceremony took place in London last night as the Writers' Guild celebrated its annual award giving, recognising the best writers from every branch of the media.

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