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Dan Gray appointed as head of studio for ustwo games

Monument Valley studio commits to gaming growth

Monument valley developer ustwo games has recommitted itself to a future of creating games by appointing long-term executive producer Dan Gray as the new studio head. Gray will oversee the output of the developer for the foreseeable future as it builds on the tremendous exposure and critical acclaim of Monument Valley and looks to create new IP.

"After the amazing successes of Monument Valley and Land's End in the last two years, ustwo games has become an enchanting beast of a magnitude none of us could have predicted," Gray told GamesIndustry.Biz. "From appearing on hardware launches for every major mobile platform, to having the President of the United States play Monument Valley during an episode of House of Cards, we've definitely got more on our plate than we did in 2013, when Ida was a mere twinkle in our eyes.

"Because of this change, it's been essential that we get a little more structured with how we create, to make sure we preserve our unique way of working as we continue to grow. For that reason I will be overseeing the direction of the company as we look forward to the fascinating events that unfold next."

Ustwo describes itself as a digital product company, working on all aspects of digital development from wellbeing apps to software designed to help the visually impaired navigate the world around them. Whilst the gaming division was originally a fairly minor offshoot of the company's efforts, success has helped it blossom into a dedicated arm of the firm. Gray says that there are exciting projects in the pipeline.

"We struck a chord with people of all backgrounds who appreciate beautifully crafted and surprising experiences, and we want to go even bigger on this front in future. We want to continue to take risks where others wouldn't, creating our own path instead of following others, and continuing to create platform-perfect entertainment with an attention to quality of design, and quality of experience.

"I'm incredibly excited to be leading us into this new chapter, and ensuring we take our craft to the next level in the years to come."

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