News In 2019, video game projects on Kickstarter held steady Ico Partners: Though tabletop drove segment's rise, video games saw only minute growth in funded projects, money raised Jan. 15, 2020 Rebekah Valentine
News Ratio of successful Kickstarter projects at highest since Double Fine Adventure ICO Partners breaks down ongoing maturation of crowdfunding projects with H1 2019 update July 15, 2019 James Batchelor
News Ico Partners: Video games see fewer crowdfunded projects, steady amount funded in 2018 Trends indicates Kickstarter is stabilizing, with a higher percentage of quality projects as platform matures Jan. 15, 2019 Rebekah Valentine
News Video game Kickstarters have raised almost $10m so far in 2018 Total money pledged reaches three-year high, but number of campaigns drops to six-year low and success rate remains steady July 17, 2018 James Batchelor
News Fortnite, Fallout 76, Cyberpunk 2077 lead E3 media coverage Sony narrowly retakes leadership from Microsoft, EA dominates publishers June 22, 2018 Rebekah Valentine
News Video games crowdfunding raised $25m in 2017 ICO Partners estimates show only three projects raised more than $1m last year Jan. 11, 2018 James Batchelor
News What every indie needs to know about PR ICO Partners' Thomas Reisenegger outlines five keys to success for indie devs March 21, 2016 James Brightman
Feature Who won 2014's battle for the headlines? Which game and platform were the most talked about in the press last year? Feb. 16, 2015 Dan Pearson
Feature 2014 saw money pledged to videogame Kickstarters slashed More campaigns but fewer successes as cash input more than halved Jan. 29, 2015 Dan Pearson 3 comments
Feature ICO Partners report suggests Kickstarter is in decline New data shows less money going to fewer games projects Oct. 1, 2014 Dan Pearson 11 comments
Feature Games projects grow by 30% on Kickstarter in 2013 ICO Partners analysis shows games as biggest category Jan. 10, 2014 Dan Pearson
News So you want to launch a Kickstarter GDC 2013: Tips on what works and what doesn't when it comes to crowdfunding March 26, 2013 Brendan Sinclair 1 comment
Feature UK development: Where next? Thomas Bidaux, Paul Mottram, Nick Baynes and David Amor discuss Brighton, Britain and the boxed business July 18, 2011 Dan Pearson
Feature Going Coastal Ahead of the Develop Conference, Dan Pearson takes a look at what makes Brighton a games industry hub July 14, 2011 Dan Pearson 13 comments
Feature ICO Partners Part 2 Julien Wera and Thomas Bidaux on what games to watch, and where the PSN crisis leaves Sony June 6, 2011 Dan Pearson
News MMO business models must become more sophisticated - ICO Core, subscription MMORPG will remain, but must be tuned to audience, says consultancy June 6, 2011 Dan Pearson 14 comments
Feature ICO Partners Part 1 Thomas Bidaux discusses free-to-play on console and what makes the UK one of the toughest in Europe June 2, 2011 Dan Pearson 1 comment
News UK online market is one of the hardest in Europe - Bidaux But unique opportunities mean it also has the biggest potential says ICO Partners founder June 2, 2011 Dan Pearson
News Boxed product "to become a marketing exercise" - Bidaux And the ICO Partners CEO predicts blurring between social and traditional games Nov. 17, 2009 Phil Elliott
Feature ICO Partners' Thomas Bidaux The founder of the online consulting business talks life after NCsoft and his predictions for digital gaming Nov. 16, 2009 Kath Brice 1 comment
News ICO Partners expands management team Former NCsoft Europe marketing manager Jen Bolton joins community consultancy July 7, 2009 Phil Elliott