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Channel 4 looking for accessible, engaging games

Games commissioner Colin Macdonald outlines his strategy

Channel 4's new games commissioner Colin Macdonald has highlighted the station's search for accessible, quality game projects in its latest industry briefing.

"Games are great ways to engage young audiences," said Macdonald.

"Over 85 per cent of Channel 4's target audience play games so this is a very natural space for us to explore. And as with other commissioning departments, I am looking for opportunities to develop new talent and to entertain. The UK has a rich history of creative and technical excellence in gaming, but some of those games haven't always reached as wide an audience as they deserved, and that's where Channel 4 is aiming to make a real difference."

The channel is looking for games across all platforms, both original and based on Channel 4 programming. Key factors include accessibility, awareness of "digital possibilities" in evolving technology and a strong relationship between platform, content and audience. Budgets are less of an issue, ranging from £50 to £500,000.

"The relatively recent accessibility of indie games has unearthed some of the best new experiences we've seen in years," Macdonald continued.

"I want Channel 4 to play a leading role in shining a light on the UK's games industry renowned the world over for its incredible talent, creativity, and ability to utterly enthral players. And that is precisely what I want to tap into for the benefit of the Channel 4 audience."

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Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
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