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CEO and co-founder Jason Citron exits OpenFeint

Mobile gaming company names Naoki Aoyagi as replacement

Jason Citron, has left mobile gaming company OpenFeint, where he was both co-founder and CEO.

According to the official statement, Citron, who founded the company in 2008, is "leaving the company to pursue new opportunities."

Naoki Aoyagi, previously of OpenFeint's parent company GREE, has been in appointed as Citron's replacement.

"In just over 24 months, OpenFeint has grown to over 120 million users across 7,000 games," said Aoyagi.

"I thank Jason for his leadership growing the company and wish him well in his new adventures. I'm excited to lead OpenFeint through its next phase of growth."

Aoyagi was previously CEO and CFO at GREE International. He also spent four years in investment banking.

OpenFeint also announced it would be revealing its plans to integrate its US operations with GREE's over the next few weeks.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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