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Canada Media Fund invests $12.9m in new tech projects

Games, websites and apps given funding by Experimental Stream programme

The Canada Media Fund has approved 27 different projects for production funding in the first round of its Experimental Stream programme, investing a total of CAD $12.9 million.

Twelve games, five websites, three mobile applications, three interactive web series, and four software applications were chosen to receive the cash, with three projects receiving the full bursary of $1 million. Twelve of the projects are in English, nine French and the remaining six are bilingual.

Chosen to receive the full allocation of funding were Bot Colony, an English language learning game, X-Agora, a software project designed to turn public spaces into cultural learning environments and Disternet Software, which allows users to access media stored on any device, via any screen using broadband.

Alongside the production funding, eleven projects were granted development funding totalling $1.6 million, and seven approved for a marketing fund totalling $1.6 million.

The Canada Media Fund was founded by Canadian cable and satellite providers and the Canadian government. Its aim is to "champion the creation and promotion of successful, innovative, Canadian content and software applications for current and emerging digital platforms through financial support and industry research."

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