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Blizzard to unveil cross-game Achievements system

A score for users' accounts will be tallied from StarCraft II and Diablo III rewards as well as Wrath of the Lich King

Jeff Kaplan, World of Warcraft's lead designer, has said the game's new Achievement system is a forerunner to a wider one attached to each user's Blizzard Account.

During an interview with MTV, Kaplan explained that each account would have a "Blizzard Level", which would be contributed to by Achievements from upcoming Blizzard games, including Diablo III and StarCraft II.

"Eventually, our plans are for the Achievement system to become an account-based system," said Kaplan. "It's basically a gamerscore... For now the points are just a 'WoW' character score. As we graduate to that Blizzard Account system, which is right on the horizon, it will switch over to a Blizzard Level."

"Your 'WoW' score would be just one factor that will go into your Blizzard Level. And rather than call it a 'score,' we just wanted it to be like you're leveling up on Blizzard games... You'll have this Blizzard identity, and you'll be able to see things like 'Oh, this guy was great at Diablo III, but he never played Starcraft and he was mediocre in WoW.' That sort of thing," he explained.

The WoW Achievement system will be implemented upon the launch of the game's latest expansion Wrath of the Lich King, slated for release at some time between October and December.

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