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Bigpoint: Facebook isn't the only platform

CEO Heiko Hubertz on Facebook's new European gaming team, and why devs should keep exploring platforms

Bigpoint CEO Heiko Hubertz has warned the European games industry that while Facebook's recent creation of a dedicated gaming team for the region is good news, they should still explore other platforms.

"Facebook's entry into Europe can only be viewed positively for the European games industry," Hubertz told

"However, we would counsel the industry to not become blinkered by this move by Facebook, and decide that Facebook is the only platform to develop for. Although Facebook is a fantastic platform, at Bigpoint we believe that it should only be considered as one route to market."

Bigpoint creates and publishes a number of successful browser games, like Battlestar Galactica Online, and operates a gaming portal. It recently passed the milestone for 250 million users registered.

"As Facebook themselves say, as a gaming platform they are only getting started, and so we would advise all European games developers to investigate multiple routes and platforms to give their game the best chance of success."

He added that the Bigpoint team welcomed the news, and the way it confirmed Europe's place as an exciting region for games development.

"It's great to see that as well as companies like us expanding into the US, US companies see Europe as a must-be-in market. In particular, European companies have pioneered the high-growth area of casual and mobile gaming, with huge take-up by consumers worldwide."

Facebook announced the news last week, and will offer the region a dedicated team of engineers, account managers and support staff.

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Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
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