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Bethesda confirms Oblivion patch

Bethesda Softworks has confirmed that an update for its hugely acclaimed RPG title, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is currently being tested, and will be released shortly for both PC and Xbox 360 versions of the game.

Bethesda Softworks has confirmed that an update for its hugely acclaimed RPG title, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is currently being tested, and will be released shortly for both PC and Xbox 360 versions of the game.

In a post on the official Elder Scrolls forum, Bethesda's Peter Hines stated "We are working on a patch/update for both the PC and Xbox 360. It will address a number of issues that we have found and ones that have been reported to us and confirmed. It is our plan to first release it as a beta patch for the PC when it has cleared our initial testing cycles internally."

"We are also looking into the localization issues that have come up in Europe and are working to address some of those issues. A European Patch/Update will be available after the English versions," Hines added.

Whilst Bethesda has already released additional content for the ambitious title, with two more content downloads planned for imminent release, the necessity of releasing a bug-fixing patch is somewhat of a concern, countering Microsoft's assertion that the Xbox Live service would not be used as a vehicle to correct buggy titles that may have been rushed to commercial release.

The question was raised recently when Tecmo issued a mandatory patch for its Xbox 360 exclusive fighting game, Dead Or Alive 4, which offered no additional game content and served merely as a correctional tool for issues relating to online play and an imbalance in character attributes. Microsoft remained tight-lipped on the subject at the time, but may be forced to address the issue in the light of this new bug-fix update, which is the second instance in as many months.

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