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Ballmer "sorry" for new Xbox remarks

Chief executive backtracks on suggestions of new console to launch in 2010

Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer is "sorry" for stating that a new Xbox 360 will be on shop shelves next year.

"I confused the issue with my poorly chosen words," he told IGN. "There is no news in my comments. Things are as reported after E3. Sorry."

Ballmer told a room of executives last week that a new console with "a natural interface" and built-in camera was due next year. Microsoft was quick to distance itself from Ballmer's comments, suggesting he was not talking about new hardware but Project Natal, which looks poised to be bundled with Xbox 360 for an effective console relaunch.

Shane Kim told that Project Natal would not launch this year, and no release window has yet been set, whether as a stand alone peripheral, bundled with the 360 or built in to new hardware.

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Robert Purchese: Bertie is senior staff writer and Eurogamer's Poland-and-dragons correspondent. He's part of the furniture here, a friendly chair, and reports on all kinds of things, the stranger the better.
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