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BAFTA & UKIE Careers Bar ready for EGX Rezzed

"An incredibly effective way of inspiring the next generation of games talent"

Want to work in the industry? The British Academy of Film and Television Arts and UKIE have joined forces to present the BAFTA & UKIE Careers Bar as part of the GamesIndustry Fair at next month's EGX Rezzed.

BAFTA Breakthrough Brit honourees Sophia George, William Pugh and BAFTA-nominee Daniel Gray will all host talks on programming, art and design while UKIE will present talks on community management, marketing and PR.

Attendees can also bring their CVs and portfolios for help on applying for jobs in the industry.

"Having the careers bar at EGX Rezzed is an incredibly effective way of inspiring the next generation of games talent," said UKIE CEO and BAFTA Games Committee member Dr Jo Twist.

"Giving people the chance to hear straight from our industry experts is a great way for them to find out about the wide range of careers available in the games industry. We are delighted to be partnering with BAFTA and EGX Rezzed to help make this happen."

EGX Rezzed starts on March 12 at Tobacco Dock in London. Students are entitled to a 20 per cent discount on tickets, and can find more information on the event here.

"The careers bar is a fantastic opportunity to speak to people with a variety of experiences of working in games, who have a wealth of advice to share about getting in and getting on in this exciting industry. BAFTA also provides a range of resources to help anyone, regardless of background, forge ahead and develop their career. We are delighted to be able to share these on a platform with UKIE and EGX Rezzed," added Tim Hunter, director of learning and events at BAFTA.

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Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
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