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AWOMO launches public beta

Digital distribution platform opens its virtual doors after successful private testing

AWOMO, the PC digital distribution platform, has entered a public beta testing phase following the successful conclusion of a private test phase, and will make available a selection of triple A titles to play for free.

Game Domain International's platform utilises technology which allows users to download a fraction of the game to get going with, and download the rest while playing, which means that games can be accessed in minutes.

"Having privately tested within a small community of gamers, it is now time for us to stress test our new technology on a wider scale," said Roger Walkden, CEO of GDI. "We have seen speeds that are up to 20 times faster than conventional download services, and we’re looking forward to sharing the benefits of our system with gamers, so they can share their experiences with us and give feedback. "Digital Distribution is heralded as the future of video games retailing, but this will only happen if the download experience is improved for the end user. AWOMO's 'one click from a browser' simplicity and super-fast speed provides a glimpse into a bright new future for gamers wanting instant gratification and publishers looking for new distribution options.

"With faster speeds come new revenue models for the games industry and we are looking forward to introducing these as part of the beta at a later date," he added.

AWOMO will launch with a number of different business models in place, including a 'Rent to Own' mechanism which allows players to pay for games gradually depending on continued play.

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