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American McGee retracts EA marketing claims

"It attracted a few pissed messages from EA"

Game developer American McGee has taken back his accusations that EA "tricked" customers with trailers for Alice: Madness returns, after receiving angry messages from the publisher.

"'Tricked' is the wrong word. I take that back," said McGee in a blogpost that addressed his comments in a Reddit AMA earlier this week.

"Apologies to EA and anyone else whose feelings were hurt. Electronic Arts doesn't trick customers into buying things. They carefully apply proven marketing techniques to achieve the desired customer response. If they were bad at this sort of thing they'd have been crushed by their competitors long ago and you'd be playing Madden Football from Activision or Atari or something."

"If EA were bad at this sort of thing they'd have been crushed by their competitors long ago and you'd be playing Madden Football from Activision"

American McGee

He revealed as well as press coverage for the statements he'd received "a few pissed messages from EA," and suggested that there would always be some tension between game creators and the publishers that sell them.

"I've got (well, had) a good relationship with EA. They helped put my name on the map. They funded two of my favourite creations. And they helped me bring strikingly original content to a gaming world that often seems dominated by bullets and boobs. I can't and don't fully fault them or their marketing for whatever the Alice games might or might not have done sales-wise."

EA has chosen not to comment publicly on the situation.

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Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
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