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AIAS Foundation opens submissions for scholarships

"The power of the Randy Pausch and Mark Beaumont Scholarships goes beyond the $2,500 cash awards"

The Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences today opened submissions for its annual AIAS Foundation Randy Pausch and Mark Beaumont Scholarships.

"It's through the Academy's talented scholars that we are able to keep the legacy of Randy Pausch and Mark Beaumont alive," said AIAS president Martin Rae.

"We look forward to the new class of AIAS Foundation scholars, who I know will make us proud in leading the torch for the future of video game development and leadership."

The Randy Pausch Scholarship awards two $2,500 scholarships to students pursuing careers in the development of interactive entertainment, including art, animation, programming, engineering, game direction, game design, sound design, and music composition.

The Mark Beaumont Scholarship also awards two $2,500 scholarships. Those are available to students pursuing careers specializing in the business of interactive entertainment, including management, law, marketing, public relations, and business development.

Details on applying for both can be found at the official site. The deadline for applications is June 30.

"The power of the Randy Pausch and Mark Beaumont Scholarships goes beyond the $2,500 cash awards," added Don Daglow, AIAS Foundation president.

"The AIAS scholarships give the winners visibility and connections to a wide array of companies in the business, setting the stage for their entry into games industry careers."

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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