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Activision reaches settlement over Brutal Legend release

Ahead of judge's verdict, Activision attorneys confirm an agreement has been reached

Activision has reached a settlement with Double Fine Productions over the release of Brutal Legend, its attorneys have confirmed.

The Guitar Hero publisher had been seeking an injunction to prevent the October release of the game, claiming that it still owned rights to it following the Vivendi merger.

Double Fine, however, said Activision had cancelled the game, leaving it free to pursue development with new publisher Electronic Arts. It believes its original partner is only now seeking to prevent its release because of the negative sales impact the game could have on its Guitar Hero series.

Late last week, the judge hearing the case delayed the delivery of his verdict, but notified Activision's legal team he was leaning in Double Fine's favour.

And ahead of his decision, scheduled to be delivered on August 6, Activision attorneys confirmed it had reached the settlement - although the Associated Press reports both companies have so far been unavailable for comment on the agreement reached.

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