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3DS technical details leaked - report

Two ARM11 CPUs and single 133Mhz GPU in Nintendo's new handheld?

The technical specifications of the Nintendo 3DS have reportedly been leaked, revealing that the machine will boast two ARM11 CPUs, a single 133Mhz GPU, 4Mbs of VRAM, 64Mbs of RAM and 1.5GBs of flash storage.

The details, passed on under conditions of anonymity to IGN, would mean that the handheld is using the processors which are currently powering the Zune HD, various Android phones and iPhone and iPod touches prior to Apple's A4 chip.

Previous reveals have indicated that the machine's PICA200 GPU would have a graphical processing power somewhat equivalent to the Wii, but IGN's report suggests that this may be an understatement, instead likening capcity to a lower resolution Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.

The proposed 1.5Gb of flash storage is a huge leap over the DSi's 256Mb, allowing for a closer integration with Nintendo's download services - a move which would further strengthen the device's defences against piracy.

Currently, Nintendo is remaining quiet on the leak, although further details could well come alongside next week's announcement on system pricing.

Eurogamer's Digital Foundry has now posted an in-depth breakdown of what the specifications could potentially mean for the capabilities of the 3DS, and why Nintendo may have dumped the Nvidia chipset many thought it would use, in favour of the older PICA-200

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