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YouTubers Life passes $12m lifetime revenue

U-Play Online's streamer simulation game has sold one million units

Breaking news! Youtubers Life has surpassed $12 million in revenue since its release. In this amazing journey, the game has accomplished some significant things: more than 1 million copies sold, featured by more than 20.000 YouTubers in more than 50.000 videos on the platform that sum, altogether, more than 150 million views. PewDiePie, DanTDM, VEGETA777, Call Me Kevin, Lachlan, Jacksepticeye, Node, Nick Dominates also loved Youtubers Life -- just to name a few.

And to celebrate these impressive numbers, U-Play Online is happy to announce the new Fashion Channel! It will be released as a free DLC on Steam and consoles (and sold separately on mobile devices) on November 7. Your Fashion Channel will let you interact with your audience in new engaging ways, from creating your own clothes to tailoring any aspect of your everyday life. Who knows? Get popular enough and you will be invited by your sponsors to unique events where you will meet the biggest celebrities of the planet!

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