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Yoshida: Entry barrier to PS3 motion control will be "as low as possible"

Sony will achieve both cutting edge technology and cost effectiveness

Launch titles for the PlayStation 3 motion controller will be compatible with either one controller or two, Sony president Shuhei Yoshida has told Eurogamer.

"We are approaching the launch by making sure that all games that we create can be played with one controller and the camera," he revealed.

"We will also introduce options for if you happen to have more than one controller available. Experiences will be enhanced if you purchase a second. We are trying to make the entry barrier as low as possible, but I'm looking forward to introducing more advanced things you can do with having two in your hands."

By combining the PlayStation camera, which many users will already own, with advanced sensors internally, said Yoshida, Sony will hit the right balance between cost and features. The technology will still be cutting edge but the choice to buy just one new controller will make that technology more cost-effective for consumers.

Continuing onto the subject of PSPgo, Yoshida said the new console was launched more for the "targeting and positioning of contents for the PSP platform than the technical aspect of things."

"Apple has proven that there are lots of people willing to try things out if it's very easy to download and an affordable price," he added.

UMDs can hold more than 1GB, he pointed out, and a lot of PSP's games already use the maximum limit. "The user experience of downloading 1GB game to PSPgo is not ideal," he said. "We wanted to send a message that you don't necessarily have to use all the content to the capacity of the media - you can create more content and sell for cheaper price."

Sony is working on improving the entry barrier to development for the handheld, Yoshida said. It has lowered the price of the PSP toolkit, and now is working on improvements that will make it an easier experience for developers to get a game onto the market. "We are still working on that side," he admitted.

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