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Xbox One gets CPU boost to 1.75Ghz, enters full production

Mehdi: "We've built more than we've ever built for an Xbox launch"

Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft corporate VP for IEB marketing and strategy, has revealed a final bump in the CPU specs of the Xbox One, which is now in full production.

Speaking at the Citi Global Technology Conference, as reported by Polygon, Mehdi detailed a 150Mhz increase in base CPU clock speed to a final total of 1.75Ghz - a late increase which follows hot on the heels of a recently announced boost to GPU speed. In addition to the final spec, Mehdi also told his audience that production of the machine was in full swing, calling it Microsoft's "biggest launch by a wide margin."

"We're on track for launch in November," Mehdi confirmed. "We'll announce a launch date shortly. We recently just went into full production, so we're now producing en-masse Xbox One consoles. We've had real good progress on the system. In fact, we just updated the CPU performance to 1.75 GHz on top of the graphics performance improvement, so the system is really going to shine. The games look pretty incredible.

"We've built more than we've ever built for an Xbox launch."

The bump might seem relatively insignificant, especially as the AMD Jaguar cores which the machine uses are thought to be rated up to a performance of 2Ghz, but Microsoft is likely finding the sweet spot between performance and heat and noise output, eager to avoid the hardware problems which plagued the launch of the 360. Also, this is unlikely to represent the absolute total of the console's grunt. Multiple developers have told GamesIndustry International that they expect cloud processing to add considerable power to the machine over the course of the next few years, maximising the benefit of Microsoft's huge server network.

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