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Xbox 360 US sales see record-breaking Black Friday weekend

Microsoft reveals units up 25% on last year's holiday period

Microsoft has announced that US sales of the Xbox 360 over the Black Friday weekend posted a new record, and were up 25 per cent over last year's number.

Furthermore it's estimated that Xbox 360 sales outnumbered those of the PlayStation 3 by 3-to-1, no doubt thanks in part to the price reduction put in place a few months ago.

Software sales were also strong, according to a statement, led by Gears of War 2, Fable II and Lips, although specific numbers weren't given.

"We entered into the Black Friday sales period with cautious optimism, knowing that dollar for dollar, Xbox 360 offers more social entertainment value than any other console on the market," said Don Mattrick, senior vice president of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft.

"Record Black Friday sales in the US, coupled with our existing global install base of 25 million and an online community of more than 14 million Xbox Live members, have laid the groundwork for continued global sales momentum in 2009."

The company also underlined the console's sales performance in the Europe, where it is "outselling the PlayStation 3 week over week," and up over 400 per cent over last year's number.

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