World Supremacy
Turn-based global conquest game now available.
News Release: For Immediate Release
Cary, NC, 22 November 2010
It is the beginning of the end. Crushed beneath government issue boots the white dove of peace spasms its last movements in a pool of crimson. Across the land jet engines spool up, shells are chambered in turrets, and the target coordinates for nuclear missiles are programmed. War has come to the world and when all the radioactive dust settles there will only be room for one superpower. Welcome to World Supremacy, the latest game from Malfador Machinations, developer of the acclaimed Space Empires series!
Released today by Shrapnel Games, World Supremacy is available for Windows XP, Vista, and 7 as a download for only $29.95. At the same time a fully featured demo is also available to try before you buy.
World Supremacy is a turn based game of global conquest. Light in the rules department, heavy in the strategy area, World Supremacy is a beer and pretzels wargame whose roots can be traced back to such games as Axis and Allies, Supremacy, and Empire Deluxe. Set in the contemporary era players command infantry, armor, helicopters, jets, submarines, nuke and neutron bombs, in an all out battle to control the world. No diplomacy, only destruction.
Gameplay is easy. Your territories and cities provide you with income. With this income new military units can be built. These units, consisting of a choice between thirteen land unit types, eight air units, and seven sea units (and all these have three levels of improvement) can then be ordered to go forth and conquer, either enemy territories or neutral territories. If there are enemy units in these territories a fast playing tactical battle is played for control. Repeat until you have conquered the world or you, yourself, have been conquered.
There is research and development present, although in keeping with the beer and pretzels style of the game the tech trees don't drill down to the "You've created a new hex nut!" level. Special weapons such as nuclear missiles and neutron bombs add another layer of strategy. Nukes can destroy cities, thereby reducing a nation's economic flow. Neutron bombs leave the land alone but decimate troops.
World Supremacy, being a Malfador Machinations game, of course fully supports the use of mods. Certain game elements are hard coded, but such things as creating new maps will be easy enough to do. Speaking of maps, each session creates a new random map, making each game of World Supremacy a new experience.
We hear there's this crazy new trend out there called multiplayer gaming. For those of you looking to nuke your buddies you'll be happy to know that World Supremacy supports up to eight players. Multiplayer can be done via hotseat play or TCP/IP online play.
Now, while we'd love for everyone to stop by and purchase the game because we'd said so, chances are you're going to want to play a demo. There is a demo available which showcases the important aspects of World Supremacy. The demo is single-player only, has a few missing units and map types (hey, no one will buy the cow if they get the milk for free), and there is a turn limit when playing. You can grab the demo and read more about the game by visiting its official product page.
Anxious to purchase? Head on over to our store, the Gamers Front, and get World Supremacy for Windows now for $29.95.
To check out our complete catalog of award-winning titles please visit, a wonderfully eclectic mix of the best in independent gaming. Our most recent addition (err, most recent prior to World Supremacy's release) to join the catalog, Bronze, a historical puzzle/strategy game set in ancient Mesopotamia, has already been getting rave reviews. James Allen of Out Of Eight awarded it a 7 out of 8, saying, "With unique mechanics, diverse civilizations, and quality computer opponents, those looking for something a bit different in the strategy genre should take an extended glance towards Bronze." Soren Johnson, lead designer of Civilization IV tweeted, "Bronze is a remarkably elegant design. Worth playing."
For press related information please contact Scott R. Krol by using this form.
Visit our company blog here.
For all other information, please contact:
Timothy W. Brooks
Shrapnel Games, Inc.
932 NE Maynard Rd.
PMB 126
Cary, NC 27513
Please Note:
Art Assets for World Supremacy are available here.
To request a review copy of World Supremacy, email us.