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Women's Game Conference to run in Austin this September

Details have been announced of the Women's Game Conference, which will run alongside the Austin Game Conference this September in Austin, Texas, and will cover a wide variety of topics related to women in the industry and as game consumers.

Details have been announced of the Women's Game Conference, which will run alongside the Austin Game Conference this September in Austin, Texas, and will cover a wide variety of topics related to women in the industry and as game consumers.

The conference will run on September 9th and 10th, and will include programme items dealing with careers for women in the games industry, marketing and design for female game consumers, and gender-inclusive game design, among others.

Speakers at the conference will include Ion Storm executive producer Denise Fulton, Acclaim sales VP Beth Doherty, Microsoft Advanced Technology Group director Laura Fryer and Sony Online Entertainment senior game designer Sheri Graner Ray.

Registration for either the Austin Game Conference, which runs on the same days and is largely focused on networked gaming, or the Women's Game Conference will provide access to both events.

"The average age of gamers is 29, the core demographic is 18 to 35 and a third of game players are women," explained WGC and AGC event director Chris Sherman. "Getting more women involved in creating games fosters a diversity of ideas, which leads to new types of games and, ultimately, new players. This is about expanding the industry."

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Rob Fahey: Rob Fahey is a former editor of who spent several years living in Japan and probably still has a mint condition Dreamcast Samba de Amigo set.