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Will Wright to deliver BAFTA lecture

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts has announced that Will Wright is to deliver the first Video Games Annual lecture on October 24 in London.

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts has announced that Will Wright is to deliver the first Video Games Annual lecture on October 24 in London.

Wright, most famous for his Sim City and Sims franchises, and currently working on Spore, will be in town to receive this year's BAFTA Video Games Awards Fellowship, and speak on the topic of "Interactive Entertainment - the Oldest Art Form."

The event, part of this year's London Games Festival, will take place in the Princess Anne Theatre at BAFTA's Picadilly headquarters and will start at 6pm with a champagne reception, followed by the lecture and a Q&A session.

Tickets are free, but limited on a first come, first served basis to 2 tickets per person, and available from Jo Stein: 0207 292 5818

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