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"We're not arrogant," says Fils-Aime

NoA president Reggie Fils-Aime has declared that the company views success as something which much be earned - unlike, he argues, Nintendo's rivals.

NoA president Reggie Fils-Aime has declared that the company views success as something which much be earned - unlike, he argues, Nintendo's rivals.

Speaking to MTV, Fils-Aime said, "Are we feeling good about our success? Do we think we can have more success in the future? Absolutely.

"I do think that highlights a difference between us and our competitors: We're not arrogant. We don't view success as a right. We feel we need to earn success every day. And we're going to do that by being true to the gamer."

Fils-Aime dismissed suggestions that the Wii's software launch line-up is lacklustre, stating, "I wasn't here for the GameCube launch, but there was a time period when there were no titles. There wasn't even titles you could or could not sink your teeth into. Wii Play and Wario Ware are going to be hugely fun titles."

He did concede that there may be dry spells when it comes to first-party software - but said Nintendo already has a solution ready: "I do think here in the Americas we want to be a bit more strategic in how we use the titles [on Virtual Console]... If there's a month where we don't have a fantastic lineup of Nintendo-packaged software, that's where I want to release a great SNES game or a great N64 game to maintain the momentum."

Fils-Aime also took the opportunity to hit back at Nintendo's critics, particularly those who have given poor reviews for Ubisoft launch title Red Steel. "Does it take you a few minutes to get used to the control scheme? Yes. Once you get used to it, does it play extremely well? Absolutely," he said.

Fils-Aime also took issue with negative reviews of first-party title Wii Sports, stating, "They're negative on the graphics of the game, but we always said what the graphics would be. I think that's people just being hypercritical."

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Ellie Gibson: Ellie spent nearly a decade working at Eurogamer, specialising in hard-hitting executive interviews and nob jokes. These days she does a comedy show and podcast. She pops back now and again to write the odd article and steal our biscuits.