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Valve Software pledges Xbox 360 support

Half-Life developer Valve Software has announced that it is currently developing several as yet undisclosed titles for Microst's Xbox 360 console, using a customised version of its acclaimed Source Engine.

Half-Life developer Valve Software has announced that it is currently developing several as yet undisclosed titles for Microst's Xbox 360 console, using a customised version of its acclaimed Source Engine.

Although there's no official word on what titles the company is actually creating, Valve has said that its first 360 game would be coming out soon, making it extremely likely that a full disclosure will be made at the E3 expo in a couple of weeks.

President and co-founder, Gabe Newell, commented: " The combination of Source and the 360 provides game designers the chance to create powerful entertainment experiences. Whether developing a traditional FPS, RTS, RPG or delving into new genres, the Xbox 360 is a great platform for expanding Source and our game experiences."

Valve has worked with Microsoft before, the company's Xbox version of Half-Life 2 taking centre-stage on the platform holder's E3 2005 booth and achieving critical acclaim, though sales of the game were less than spectacular - something Valve says came as a surprise.

Undeterred, the company has committed to future development on Microsoft's next-gen machine and it is also likely - though unconfirmed at this stage - that console versions of existing third-party PC Source Engine titles currently available through Valve's digital distribution service, Steam, may be appearing on the Xbox 360 in the future.

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