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Valve reveals details of Half-Life 2 bundle options

Oops! We made an error in our daily mail-out on Friday - if you came here looking for the story about Revolution's Broken Sword being launched in Japan, you can click through to it right here. Sorry about that.

While there's still no word on the release date for Half-Life 2, Valve boss Gabe Newell has announced details of the five different packages which will be available to purchase when the game finally arrives - two retail options, and three online options

Those who want to pick up the goods at retail will be able to buy a standard, six-CD version which includes Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source, while a Collector's Edition box will feature a DVD of the game, CS: Source and Half-Life: Source, a t-shirt and a Prima strategy guide.

Meanwhile, those who want to acquire Half-Life 2 over Valve's controversial Steam digital distribution service will have three options - Gold, Silver and Bronze. The Bronze option is just Half-Life 2 and CS:Source, much like the retail version.

However, both the Silver and Gold versions offer content which won't be available in the retail boxes - potentially making a purchase on the Steam service more attractive to consumers than a retail purchase.

The Silver pack will include Half-Life: Source and Day of Defeat: Source, as well as access to the Valve back catalogue over Steam - including the likes of Half-Life Deathmatch, Ricochet and Deathmatch Classic.

The Gold package, which is the ultimate version of the game, will include all the content from the Silver package along with a Prima strategy guide, three posters, a hat, a postcard, stickers, a soundtrack CD, and entry into a draw to win a trip to the Valve offices in Seattle.

Pre-orders on Steam will be available shortly, and those who do preorder the game there will be given access to CS: Source from next week onwards, which should hopefully give them something to play while waiting for Half-Life 2 to eventually make its way to retail.

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Rob Fahey: Rob Fahey is a former editor of who spent several years living in Japan and probably still has a mint condition Dreamcast Samba de Amigo set.