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Left 4 Dead pre-orders over 40% more than Orange Box

Zombie-shooter's pre-release success "driven largely" by promotional 10% discount at retail

Pre-orders for Valve's Left 4 Dead have already exceeded that of the developer's previous hit title The Orange Box, according to Doug Lombardi, VP of marketing.

Speaking to VGChartz, Lombardi explained that the 10 per cent promotional discount for the Zombie-survival shooter had "driven largely" retail pre-orders for the title.

"Sales goals are hard to truly define until you get close to launch, especially with a new game property," he said. "However, we're getting close now and it looks like Left 4 Dead may do ok."

"Pre-orders for Left 4 Dead are currently exceeding Orange Box pre-orders by well over 40%, this driven largely by the 10 per cent off promotion being offered now for both versions."

Lombardi added: "And one could assume this trend over Orange will continue as the pre-launch demo hits and the largest consumer advertising campaign for any Valve game begins on buses, buildings, billboards, TV, magazines, and web sites in the next couple weeks."

The Orange Box debuted to critical and commercial success last year and featured a collection of five titles, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode 1 & 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2.

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