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US publisher stock rises beat market gains

Shares in EA, Activision, Take-Two and THQ all rise above the market average

With videogames apparently top of many people's gift lists for the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, shares in a number of publishers saw big rises by the time the markets closed yesterday.

While the NASDAQ was up 4.6 per cent overall, four publishers beat that by significant amounts to record healthy one-day gains ahead of the weekend.

Electronic Arts was up USD 1.29 to USD 20.01, a rise of 6.89 per cent, while Take-Two was up USD 0.81 to USD 12.05, a jump of 7.21 per cent.

But the biggest gainers were Activision Blizzard, whose stock jumped 10.38 per cent to USD 12.02 and THQ, which was up 11.84 per cent to USD 4.63.

Meanwhile on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Sony's price fell by 1.81 per cent to JPY 1843 (USD 19.34), Nintendo dropped 0.16 per cent to JPY 29,540 (USD 310.06) and Sega dropped 2.74 per cent to JPY 921 (USD 9.67).

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