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"Unity By The Numbers" report reveals extent of engine's reach

174K games & apps with 2.5bn installs across 1.1bn devices in just 4 months

At the opening keynote for its Unite 2015 conference in Boston, Unity Technologies has released its first ever "By the Numbers" report on its products, examining the reach of the software as well as the metrics behind its use in order to better facilitate an understanding of its use for developers.

The report, available in full here, is a detailed breakdown of the platform installs and geographical distribution of the development platform, with an unsurprisingly heavy focus on mobile.

"The mobile gaming industry continues to grow with an unprecedented number of games downloaded by device owners, and Unity is humbled to be a leading driver of that revolution," said Unity Analytics General Manager John Cheng. "The analytics we present in this report turn millions of daily install events into meaningful, actionable data that provides a snapshot of the state of the industry."

Key headlines figures from the report revealed that between April 1 and July 31, 2015 alone over 174,000 unique games and apps made in Unity, were installed over 2.5 billion times across 1.1 billion devices, averaging out to around 20 million install events every day, reaching nine million new devices. Around 74 per cent of all mobile installations happened on Android devices - a heavy skew towards Google's mobile platform, with iOS only accounting for just 17 per cent.

The popularity of Android and iOS devices, and of smartphones generally, varies significantly by region," reads the report. "Because Android has such a significant market share advantage, almost all countries see a majority of app installs occurring on an Android device; however, some countries over-index on iOS app popularity.

"The top two countries (China and the United States) represent 37% of all installs worldwide. The top five countries account for 50% of global installs, while approximately 75% of installs occur in the top 20 countries. More than half (54%) of all iOS installs occur in three countries: the United States, China, and Japan; while 71% of all iOS installs take place in the top 10 iOS countries (see below). In countries with the highest volume of iOS installs, iOS is not necessarily the dominant OS.

"By comparison, Android installs are more geographically dispersed. The top three countries (China, the United States, and Brazil) only account for 40% of total installs, and only 61% of installs occur in the top 10 countries. Brazil is the major country in which the percentage share of Android devices is highest, while the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway & Sweden) see some of the highest rates of iOS installs."

" is attending Unite Boston 2015 as a guest of the organiser. As a part of that arrangement, travel and accommodation costs for attendance have been covered by the show organisers."

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